Uncover a New Look Shine Like the Moon Uncover a New Look Shine Like the Moon

01About Us

LUA is an eyelash and Hyper Knife slimming body salon from Japan. We are the first salon in Singapore to provide the Hyper Knife service, which has no pain, is very warm and comfortable.

LUA means “moon” in Portuguese. We hope to uncover the inner beauty in our customers to end up with a finish that shines like the moon.



Q.How long does it take to finish an extension set?

A.It depends on the set of lash you require.
Generally, a full set of lash extensions will take between 1.5 (single lash) to 2.5 (volume/upward lash) hours. 
It is recommended to not wear eye make-up in order to ensure longevity of extensions, and prevent infections.

Q.Will I be consulted on the extension styles?

A.It depends on the set of lash you require.
Generally, a full set of lash extensions will take between 1.5 (single lash) to 2.5 (volume/upward lash) hours. 
It is recommended to not wear eye make-up in order to ensure longevity of extensions, and prevent infections.

Q.How long can a set of lash extensions last?

A.A fresh set of extensions generally lasts between 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the daily routine and lash cycle of individuals.

Natural lash cycle typically causes shedding eyelashes every 30-60 days, depending on the individual. Hence, you may notice the lash extension has “fallen off” by the 2nd/3rd week. Moreover, the natural gesture of rubbing our eyes may also result in losing some lash extensions.

Additionally, if you are active and tend to sweat more, the lashes may start looking messy at the end of the 2nd week. Touch up seeThis often leads to customers coming back for touch-up sessions.

A touch-up session may take between 30mins to 1 hour, depending on the amount of work required.

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5 Tank Road, Nagarathar Building
Singapore 238061


SMS: 9780-8294 [*日本語可*]


Mon - Fri: 11AM - 8PM (Last 630pm)
Sat & Sun: 11AM - 7PM (Last 530pm)